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Published: 7 Apr 2024 Normal ranges for lab blood works Analyzer

You probably also know that if you are a regular runner or are otherwise in good physical condition, your pulse rate could be considerably lower-so a pulse rate of 55 could also be 'normal.
' Say you walk up a hill-your heart rate is now 120 beats a minute. Your heart rate, like any medical observation, must be considered in context. If a patient's results are outside the range for that test, it does not automatically mean that the result is abnormal. For simplicity, we use the term reference range in this article. That would be high for a resting heart rate but 'normal' for the rate during this kind of activity. How do you know what a 'normal' heart rate is? We know this on the basis of taking the pulse rate of millions of people over time. Take one of the simplest medical indicators of all-your heart rate. To understand what is normal for you, your doctor must know what is normal for most other people of your age and what you were doing at the time-or just before-the test or observation was conducted. You can take your resting heart rate right now by putting your fingers on your pulse and counting for a minute. Therefore, today 'reference range' or 'reference values' are considered the more appropriate terms, for reasons explained on the next page. The interpretation of any clinical laboratory test must consider this important concept when comparing the patient results to the test 'reference range'.Tests results-all medical data-can only be understood once all the pieces are together. The term reference values is increasing in use and is often used interchangeably with reference range. Without the proper context, any observation or test result is meaningless. The term 'normal range' is not used very much today because it is considered to be misleading. Most people know that the 'average' heart rate is about 70 beats per minute.

The units of measurement that labs use to report your results can vary from lab to lab. Click on the button and 'Reference Ranges' interface will popup. By using the interface you will be able to update name of measurement units and the parameter's reference range. On the right hand of the parameter you can find a small button. Frequently, what is considered a normal result range in your area is not totally the same somewhere else. Select a parameter on your test you want to update, for example 'Rheumatoid factor'. In this same way, labs may choose to use different units of measurement for your test results. It is similar to the way, for instance, your physician chooses to record your weight during an examination. He can decide to note your weight in pounds or in kilograms. Also reference intervals may vary from area to area. In Medical Tests Analyzer interface you can adjust measurement units naming and reference interval (range) as well. Regardless of the units that the lab uses, your results will be interpreted in relation to the reference ranges supplied by the laboratory. Open your test by clicking 'Edit Test' button. Test's reference ranges may differ from lab to lab due to equipment and methodology differences.