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Published: 7 Apr 2024 How to diagnose health problems bloodtest

Generally, less than two percent of testosterone in the blood is in the free state, which means it is free to circulate in the brain and nervous system.
These imbalances have been linked in studies to irregular heartbeat, atherosclerosis, low bone mineral density, and a host of nonspecific symptoms, from fatigue to heat intolerance. Hyperthyroidism occurs with increased thyroid activity and lower-than-normal blood levels of TSH. Measuring TSH is considered the best way to measure thyroid function.
Testosterone (free testosterone)
Both men and women produce testosterone and both experience what can be dramatic declines in the hormone as they age. The hormone helps to regulate muscle mass, as well as fertility, libido, and one's sense of wellbeing. Free testosterone levels can be linked to abdominal obesity, unhealthy bones, heart disease, and depression. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is secreted by the pituitary gland, controls secretion of thyroid hormone in the thyroid. No question, though, hormone imbalances can wreak havoc with your health and the way you feel. Too much TSH in the blood suggests hypothyroidism, or too little activity. Men produce testosterone in the testes, while women produce it in their ovaries. In women, high levels of free testosterone might indicate low estrogen levels, or be a cause of excessive unwanted hair growth or polycystic ovarian syndrome.Thyroid imbalances can cause many or no symptoms.

Whereas translating blood test results for the purposes of treatment and medical diagnosis has to be entrusted to physicians, gaining a basic understanding of how to figure out lab tests is significant if you are going to take a lively role in your health care.Have you lately gotten a blood test done? Explaining lab tests is one of the most central diagnostic instruments used by doctors to identify if a patient in distress from any health condition. You need to be prepared to ask questions regarding any results that can be interested for you. The perfect way to use blood test result is to take the lab test report with you when you visit your doctor. In this manner you will be able to have your physician review blood tests that are of concern as part of your health condition rather than the minimum tests that your insurance or your doctor would usually order.